Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christmas Rarity

So I mentioned that I got a bunch of cards for Christmas.  In between Heads Up posts, I'll post those cards.  The least rare card here is /100, but they were all pretty cheap.  Because that's how I roll!

First up, we have a Seneca I already own.  But it's glorious:
As I mentioned a few days ago...I don't typically chase jersey numbered cards.  But when it's Christmas...let the 15/15 rain down!

I also got this platinum Thad Lewis card:
 Which is #'d /10.  Super duper rare!

There were a few rare Ben Gay cards on COMC so I asked for those too.  There's a Premiere Date /36:
 And one of the earliest National Treasure cards:
 Which is /50:
I've never really talked about it since, but I'm pretty sad that my interview with Ben Gay never happened.  He had commented a while ago about telling his story, and we emailed back and forth a bit to discuss an interview, but it ended up falling through.  So close.  Ah well.

This next rarity was TOTALLY unexpected.  I thought it was just an Edge Tech Preview card, something weird and poorly labeled.  And COMC agreed.
 But I checked the back at home...and that serial numbering?
This is actually a Supreme GOLD card.  Had no idea it was even serial numbered when I asked for it.  So...happy ending!

Final two cards are both of J.R. Redmond.  First is a Spectrum Green:
 Which is /25:
Someday I'll look at the back of this card more in depth...that 2000 draft class is a hoot.

The other card is Infinity Purple:
 This one's /15.  Super rare!

I love picking up cards that have less than 100 copies of them in the world!  Yay Christmas!


  1. It's been a few years since I've seen a Ben Gay card featured on a blog. Definitely one of the greatest names in NFL history.
